Teaching courses was NOT in my game plan. Not remotely!
I was talking to a Facebook expert about developing my business and she said, “Anna, I think you should look at creating courses alongside what you do with your design.”

This was NOT where my head was or where I was intending to go. This conversation felt like I was being hit by a truck.

But she knew her stuff, so I knew it'd be foolish to discard her advice. I had taught art classes in the past, but this simply wasn't in the game plan.

But even so, I started brainstorming and chatting with other designers and artists, to see if my ideas were relevant and helpful.

After a while, I put together the start of the school, and designed the first course. I initally geared my courses towards other designers and artists, as they were the ones I felt I could relate the most to being a designer.
But as I was testing the courses out and getting feedback, the overall response was 'Anna, these courses aren't just for designers and artists, they are relevant for lots of people!'

So I have taken that on and am developing from there. Here is a little fun video sharing about the courses:
You can see some short videos about them here and some of the testimonies.
You can see more about Amanya at my websites:
www.amanyadesign.com and www.amanyadesigncourses.com
You can see more about Amanya at my websites:
www.amanyadesign.com and www.amanyadesigncourses.com
For tips, advice and to get a peek into the adventures, be sure to hit the follow button at this link: